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Jean Pierre Hakim


Our nature tends to GRAVITATE TOWARDS THE NEGATIVE, much like a car that is left in neutral, on a hill, tends to roll DOWNHILL. We can “fall” into a cycle of speaking negative words over our own lives. Which means it takes a conscious effort to be positive.

It’s SO IMPORTANT to be around people who remind you that your words are powerful forces being sent out
to pave the way for your future.

What you hear is what you think about and then eventually say. You will notice that when you get around negative complaining people, you tend to start being negative as well!

With that logic, wouldn’t it be a better investment in YOURSELF to get around positive powerbrokers? Then you would think on and speak the types of positive things that they do and begin to watch your life go higher!

It says that, “Whoever Guards His Mouth Preserves His Life; He Who Opens Wide His Lips Comes To Ruin.”

Words are containers of POWER and offer insight about us.

As I keep saying, everything about us says something about us.
So move your ass to positivism and stop f****** complaining

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