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Jean Pierre Hakim

Yesterday The Arab countries people and Lebanon proved their stupidity to the extreme and I am much more convinced how they are naive!!

Yesterday The Arab countries people and Lebanon proved their stupidity to the extreme and I am much more convinced how they are naive!!
Just the fact I received hundreds of messages from many friends about: that Facebook will suspend your account if you don’t forward…bla bla bla
Also when I see a video that is being rolling about this stupid ass Paula Siragan Yacoubian Driver🤮, he is an employee and if he cross his limits, of course his employer will kick his ass out of the business!! So please stop your stupid rumors and sharing a stupid videos!! At least there is only one person called Paula Yacoubian who is trying to bring you back your right as Lebanese people, so stop judging her and crucifying her while you should correct your target to the whales of money who robbed you from 1990!!!
Jean-Pierre Hakim

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