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Jean Pierre Hakim

This man is a son, a father, a brother. He has won dozens of journalism awards. He’s been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize every year since 2010

This man is a son, a father, a brother. He has won dozens of journalism awards. He’s been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize every year since 2010. Powerful actors, including CIA, are engaged in a sophisticated effort to dehumanise, delegitimize and imprison him. #ProtectJulian

هذا الرجل هو الابن والاب والشقيق. وقد فاز بالعشرات من جوائز الصحافة. تم ترشيحه لجائزة نوبل للسلام كل عام منذ عام 2010. ويشارك ممثلون أقوياء ، بما في ذلك وكالة المخابرات المركزية ، في جهد متطور لإبعاده عن الإنسانية وإزالته من الشرعية وسجنه.

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