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Jean Pierre Hakim

A wedding ceremony for the grandson of the Amir of Kuwait on the daughter of the famous businessman Kharafi and the granddaughter of the President of the Kuwaiti National Assembly

A wedding ceremony for the grandson of the Amir of Kuwait on the daughter of the famous businessman Kharafi and the granddaughter of the President of the Kuwaiti National Assembly . Diamond rings distributed to the audience as souvenirs of the wedding The wedding was greeted by a selection of Arab stars:
Mohammed Abdo.Rashid Al Majid.Abd Al Majid Abdullah.Nabeel Shuail.Nawal Kuwait.Hossain Al Jasmi. Miriam Fares.Eisa Al Kubaisi.Rami Ayyash and others ….. Queen Rania and Ahlam were present.
The Wedding cost 5 million Kuwaiti Dinars equivalent to 63 million Saudi riyals.

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