A wedding ceremony for the grandson of the Amir of Kuwait on the daughter of the famous businessman Kharafi and the granddaughter of the President of the Kuwaiti National Assembly . Diamond rings distributed to the audience as souvenirs of the wedding The wedding was greeted by a selection of Arab stars:
Mohammed Abdo.Rashid Al Majid.Abd Al Majid Abdullah.Nabeel Shuail.Nawal Kuwait.Hossain Al Jasmi. Miriam Fares.Eisa Al Kubaisi.Rami Ayyash and others ….. Queen Rania and Ahlam were present.
The Wedding cost 5 million Kuwaiti Dinars equivalent to 63 million Saudi riyals.
A wedding ceremony for the grandson of the Amir of Kuwait on the daughter of the famous businessman Kharafi and the granddaughter of the President of the Kuwaiti National Assembly
March 28, 2018No comment
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