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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabian ministries, municipalities join world cities in marking Earth Hour

Saudi Arabian ministries, municipalities join world cities in marking Earth Hour

RIYADH: Spring snowfall has swept in to the deserts and mountains of north-west Saudi Arabian, turning the sand white and delighting residents.Tabuk residents shared their videos and photos of the rare weather conditions on social media.

Some made it to Jebel Al-Lawz, near the Jordanian border, which was covered in snow.


ثلوج اللوز اليوم الثلاثاء ١٤٤٠/٦/٢٨تصويري،— Turki (@Turki__2020) March 5, 2019

They were quoted by the Saudi Press Agency expressing their happiness with the weather. 

Fahd Al-Belawi said he and his family are pleased with the snow, adding that they came early to the mountain to enjoy the weather, which he described as “one the best times in the year.”

Residents Nayef al-Harby and Mohammad Al-Shammari said this was their first time to see the region covered in snow.

“This is the first time we have seen the top of Jabal Al-Lawz blanketed in white, we’ve been waiting for this during the past days so we can come to enjoy the weather,” they told SPA. 

The snowfall arrived on Sunday evening and continued into the night.

The coastal city of Al-Haql experienced rain which turned to snow further inland near the mountains.

أجمل صباح والثلج يكسو الأرض— Turki (@Turki__2020) April 1, 2019

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