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Jean Pierre Hakim

Pegasus: هو برنامج تجسس مثبت على الأجهزة يشغل إصدارات معينة من

هو برنامج تجسس مثبت على الأجهزة يشغل إصدارات معينة من
نظام التشغيل المحمول من أبل ، تم تطويره من قِبل شركة سيبررمس الإسرائيلية ، ن س و غروب.
Pegasus is spy software installed on devices running certain versions of iOS, Apple’s mobile operating system, developed by the Israeli cyberarms firm, NSO Group. Discovered in August 2016 after a failed attempt at installing it on an iPhone belonging to a human rights activist, an investigation revealed details about the spyware, its abilities, and the security vulnerabilities it exploited. Pegasus is capable of reading text messages, tracking calls, collecting passwords, tracing the location of the phone, and gathering information from apps. Apple released version 9.3.5 of its iOS software to fix the vulnerabilities. News of the spyware garnered significant media attention. It was called the “most sophisticated” smartphone attack ever, and became the first time in iPhone history when a remote jailbreak exploit had been detected. The company that created the spyware, NSO Group, stated that they provide “authorized governments with technology that helps them combat terror and crime”.
Israeli hacking firm NSO Group offered Saudis cellphone spy tools – report
An Israeli company that specializes in cyber espionage tools reportedly negotiated a multi-million-dollar deal with Saudi Arabia to sell a technology that allows governments to hack their citizens’ cellphones, and to listen to calls as well as conversations that take place near the phones.

Representatives from the Herzliya-based NSO Group held meetings with Saudi officials in Vienna and, apparently, also in a Gulf State to negotiate a $55 million sale of their Pegasus 3 software, the Haaretz daily reported on Sunday.

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