لما ميريم تغني هيفى وهبي تنتحر…بارات مواقع التواصل
Taline Vartanian wrote:
What the HELL IS A CHILD doing in this video it’s completely disgusting her mother should be placed in jail for child abuse for putting her in a distasteful highly sexualized video. This is called child abuse!! The one’s responsible for this filth is the producer and who air it! Lebanese people need to let their voices be heard against this monstrosity. Jesus!! they wouldn’t even air a video like this here in the U.S. because it would be considered child pornography and child endangerment. Find out who was the producer and who gave it exposure and let them pay for it. They need to be held accountable for their filthy actions! It seems every year they keep pushing the boundaries into furthering this dirty agenda/propaganda onto the Lebanese society. People need to rally and protest against these media outlets! Find out the names responsible! These Haifa clones as I call them have no power or control it’s the people behind them that pull the strings they are the ones pushing this agenda.